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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Savings of 85% & A Firsthand Account of Publix's Superior Customer Service!

This week I saved over 85% off of my grocery bill at Publix. I'd like to be able to take full credit for this personal triumph but this success must be shared equally with some good old fashioned elbow grease from me and human error from my poor cashier.

Unable to sleep, I awoke at 5:00 a.m. and decided to get my coupons together for my grocery shopping at Publix. At the store everything went smoothly until checkout. I don't know what it is but I've just a streak of bad luck recently when it comes to check out time. This occurrence was no different because I soon reached the limit of coupons where the cashier needed the managers "override" to continue. Instead of just calling the manager for the override, the cashier decided to tell me that I had reached the limit of coupons allowed and that I wasn't allowed to use any more. When I informed her that was incorrect she told me no and that I just couldn't use them and that was that. NO, I told her, I purchased these items and I had the right to use the coupons for them and she just needed to call a manager. After a minute or two of this back and forth she final consented and called a manager who of course let me use the coupons and apologized. Long story short is I went from $159.76 before coupons to $24.72 after coupons. Elated, I paid and was home lickety split. It wasn't until I was home and had time to take a closer examination of my receipt that I discovered that the cashier has shorted me several of my coupons, I keep a detailed list so I know what I'm saving, and that she has taken a $2.69 cent coupon for free napkins and rung it in for $29.36!

I knew this was a huge mistake that was in my favor. I also knew that I needed to do something about it. Coupons, like money, have to balance to the penny or the cashier is considered out of balance. Being an honest person and not wanting to have the cashier get in trouble for her mistake I headed back to the store to pay the money back and talk to the manager.

Since I had called ahead the manager was waiting for me when I arrived. This was the same manager who had given me the override on my coupons so she was familiar with who I was. I explained to her what happened with the coupons and that I was there to pay back the overage. I told her that I'm an honest person and besides being the right thing to do I want the store to know that I'm honest and that I use coupons honestly and accurately. Since I'm going to continue to shop there it's important for me to have them know that.

The manager was very apologetic about the cashier’s behavior and with the issues I’ve been experiencing at the store with my coupons. I had a bad experience a few weeks ago that I’d written to corporate about and apparently corporate had forwarded a copy of my email to the store. She wanted to let me know that I was considered a valued customer to the store and because of that and my honesty she said not to worry about the $30.00. I stressed that I didn't want to the cashier to get in trouble or her drawer to be out of balance and she it wouldn't be a problem what-so-ever. She told me that she knows I have the choice to shop elsewhere and they didn’t want to see that happen since I visit the store two to three times per week.

My mood, which had deflated, skyrocketed to an astronomical status. Not only do I feel that Publix has the best deals  and sales but I now have firsthand experience on their superior customer service and I’m happy to share this story with everyone I know because of it. I also know that it’s true what my mother always told me, “Honesty is the best policy”.




Anonymous said...

The very best thing you can do is paste all of what you wrote in your blog to corperate and let them know that because of this manager and your talk with that you feel you are a valued customer and you have shared this story already with many people etc. Sometimes we love to complain and I did it too but I also learned that I needed to compliment when things went right. The manager will appreciated that pat on the back from her district manager!! You probably won't experience anymore problems as now you know you can talk openly with the manager. A friend in the manager is a great asset to have.

Kudos and you gotta say PUBLIX where shopping is a pleasure!!

MrsIQ said...

That's what happens when you frequent a store that treats you well! I had a similar incident last week. I got home from a 30 mile drive to my nearest Publix and realized that I got 2 boxes of napkins that I did not pay for. I got on the phone with the store, told them what happened and informed them that I woudl be bringing them back next week. They were shocked. Like you, I know that honesty is the best policy and I love my Publix and would never want to take advantage of the already great savings!

tammyyarbrough said...

Honesty is certainly the best policy. You were the better person for doing what you did, and for that you were indeed rewarded! Kudos to you!!

PS I love checking everyone's totals each week, as I also HEART PUBLIX!! It looks like you know a thing or two about what your doing! Keep up the great work!! ;)

Anonymous said...

were did you get your Spreadsheet?

Mari said...

Hi Ladies,
Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement.
Homescrapper suggested that I send a copy of this posting to the corporate office and I think I will so they know that the mgr. went above and beyond for me.

Someone also asked where I got my spreadsheet. My spreadsheet came from Iheartpublix who offers a copy of it for free on her blog. I just took her spreadsheet and modified it to caculate some figures I was looking for. She did most of the work and if you haven't seen her site you should check it out. Michelle at Iheartpublix is one of the reasons I'm able to save so much money every week!