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Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's not such a Black and White World

Sometimes something happens that makes you realize that the unexpected can happen at any moment. Things aren't as "black and white" as they may seem. Miracles are right around the corner. They can also be right outside your own front door.

We planted a weeping hibiscus tree in my front yard about two years ago. It's one of my most favorite plants that I own. It's always blooming beautiful white flowers on it's willowy branches. Pure snow white flowers. Ordinary, void of color flowers. Imagine my surprise when I noticed a splash of pink out my front window. Upon closer inspection I discovered that one delicate blossom was not so pure and was half white and half pink. This one blossom mutated into something so beautiful and special that you couldn't help but not notice it.

There's a price for such beauty though. When ever these hybrid blossoms appear they only last for one day. 24 hours to open their petals and offer their pollen to any flying friend who might be blinded by their dazzling beauty. 24 hours is a very short time to make some sort of impact.

This one flower made me realize that life isn't just black or white, issues aren't just right or wrong and there's more to a person than good or bad. If we just stop to open our eyes we might just see find the unexpected and be dazzled by it.

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