No motivation, no energy, no spark, nothing to get me going. Life in general hasn't moved me to do anything constructive outside of barely existing it seems. All the energy that I put into work, getting to work has got me down. It's to bad that I need the money or I wouldn't be there. Ok, enough of listening to me. It's more than apperent that I've come down with a case of the doldrums. On to better things..........
Here is a scrap layout that I did of Hallie this weekend. I took the pictures about a month ago but paragraph one says it all so that's way it took so long to make it to the blog.

Here are a few other shots that I took this weekend that I liked. The white flower shot was taken just after it rained and the lizzard was just because I wanted to try to shoot a lizzard. He didn't seem to mind so much:

That's it for today. If tomorrow goes well then there might be more to tell.
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