This year try to remember what really matters, family, friends, love, kisses and hugs. Give a lot and you'll most likely receive in return all year long.
This year try to remember what really matters, family, friends, love, kisses and hugs. Give a lot and you'll most likely receive in return all year long.
My little Pirate Lass:
The girls got more candy than they knew what to do with and they had an excellent time Arrghh!
Of course it's easy for me to shoot Hallie. What parent doesn't love taking candid shots of their child? These photos were taken right as she got out of the shower. She's always cold and wants to wrap up and lay down until her body warms up. It doesn't matter how hot I've ran the water, she's still always cold. Her hair was still damp and messy when I took these.
I have sad stuff to blog about but not tonight. I need more time to comprise my thoughts and try to figure out my own feelings on how it relates to my own life.
Ciao for now. M.
I am so ready for Fall. One more week and we get to visit Dad! Yippee! It'll be pumpkins galore, haystacks, cows and everything that goes with the country. I can't wait.
Gotta go, it's past midnight and I want to try to drag myself out of bed at 6:30 tomorrow. HA! TGIF.
What I think I like the most about the two layouts is that they are both so different. Sometimes I feel that I get stuck in a style rut and that a lot of my scrap layouts look the same. These two are clearly different as are Hallie's expressions in each. In the top she seems somber while in the lower layout she is clearly being a sprite!
I really like the orange. It's not a normal color that I crave in my life but I think I'm in that fall kind of mood.
Ciao and Good Night!
Here are a few other shots that I took this weekend that I liked. The white flower shot was taken just after it rained and the lizzard was just because I wanted to try to shoot a lizzard. He didn't seem to mind so much:
Hallie would have stayed all day if she could have but even with all the joy she brings there is only so many times you can watch her go round and round on rides. And there is a limit on how much fried grease Craig can consume in one day.
More to come tomorrow or in a few days.
Ciao, M.
Hopefully I'll be able to get back to the vacation posts sometime late this afternoon. Lots still more to show, tell and of course scrap.
If Artamis has the gumption and the patience to put up with Hallie he's got to be one cool cat.